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Zombie Love Slave from Joe Sherlock on Vimeo.

This is a half-hour short composed of zombie attacks with a little bit of plot and laughs thrown in for good measure.

Where did the title come from? I'd been corresponding with a guy named Chip who lamented the fact that he wasn't able to get his own project, ZOMBIE LOVE SLAVE, off the ground due to the usual no-budget problems of people flaking out, etc. Chip had already paid for custom footage from Debbie D for ZLS, which was now going to sit around unused. So I made a deal with Chip that I could use the Debbie D footage and ZLS title on a project, combining parts of the story he had written with new stuff I'd shoot here in Oregon. The title comes from one of the jokes from Chip's original project.

Saturn's Core Audio and Video put out this SOLD OUT limited edition clamshell VHS release of Zombie Love Slave and Monster in the Garage

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